Commercial Waste
Designed specifically for the needs of commercial waste and recycling collection, it covers a variety of waste types, from food waste to waste oil.
Addressing your Waste Requirements
Optrak4 can be tailored to fit your specific load requirements/specification with customised loading modules that takes into account the physical characteristics of the vehicle and ensures that the loads will fit. These specifications are then included in the optimisation process – tracking the expected contents of the compartments to ensure your trips are properly organised and the collector has complete control of the delivery process.

Servicing Your Customers
Optrak4’s optimiser can be designed to fit the delivery profile/requirements of your customers. By prioritising customers according to days left it will ensure that the really urgent orders take top priority while still being able to combine these with less urgent, but close-by, orders for efficient trips. To help the planner visualise the requirements, Optrak4’s map display can colour-code the orders based on date.
Optrak4 can also be used to generate the fixed plans in instances where you might hold contracted cycles for the different customers. The schedules are then used to generate daily collection rounds that are uploaded into driver’s hand-held computers for proof-of-collection and food safety legislation compliance.

Fuchs Lubricants UK PLC, part of the Fuchs Group, the world’s largest independent lubricants company, use Optrak4’s customised vehicle routing and scheduling solution to plan operations in the UK.

An award winning Vehicle Routing and Scheduling system offering an end-to-end solution – saving you money, reducing your planning time and improving customer service.

Optrak5 is our flagship vehicle routing product – providing our customers with a comprehensive platform for route optimisation, vehicle scheduling and load planning throughout their distribution process.