Fuel and Oil
With advanced, customisable 3D compartment modelling and levels forecasting for individual customers, Optrak4 is the right fit for your Fuel and Oil distribution requirements.
Meeting Customer Requirements
Optrak4 for Fuel Distributors allows you to plan for the different requirements of your customers from domestic oil to petrol station forecourts. This can include site-based rules as to which vehicles with which livery can be used where or restrictions on vehicle type and safety specification (e.g. which personnel has been trained for what). Optrak ensures that all compatibility rules are respected in the plan, flagging where the rules have been broken.

Matching your Vehicle
Optrak4 models your compartmented tankers, taking account of individual tank capacity and whether or not it is metered. You can also build in rules about dedicated vehicles, compartments and product incompatibilities (petrol and domestic fuel oil, for example).
In loading calculations, Optrak4 includes specific measures such as axle weight calculations to ensure safe loading.
Routing your Orders
Optrak4 is able to respect the relevant rules set by your customers for delivery. By prioritising customers according to days remaining to due date it will ensure that the really urgent orders take top priority while still being able to combine these with less urgent, but close-by, orders for efficient trips. To help the planner visualise the requirements Optrak4’s map display can color-code the orders based on date.
For larger customers, such as factories, offices, truck companies and farms that generally order much larger quantities with more precise and exacting delivery requirements – including booked delivery times – Optrak can set special priorities to ensure that the service levels of these orders are met.


Find out how Optrak4 can improve your daily planning and save up to 15% of your direct transport costs.

An award winning Vehicle Routing and Scheduling system offering an end-to-end solution – saving you money, reducing your planning time and improving customer service.

Optrak5 is our flagship vehicle routing product – providing our customers with a comprehensive platform for route optimisation, vehicle scheduling and load planning throughout their distribution process.