Designed to enhance the Optrak4 Freight solutions with additional routing and loading capabilities, Optrak4 for Manufacturing takes into account the distribution challenges and additional loading complexities of specialist manufacturers and the 3PL distributors who service these industries.
Providing bespoke routing and loading solutions for customers that produce goods with mixed stacking rules or ‘ugly’ or non-tessellating products, Optrak4 addresses the challenges that other vehicle routing solutions cannot; ensuring manufacturers and 3PLs maximise their distribution capabilities.
Mixed Collection and Deliveries with Smart 3D Loading
Optrak4 maps deliveries and collections on the same route within the plan – calculating the dynamic space on the vehicle with integrated loading and customisation to reflect individual vehicle requirements.
Furthermore Optrak4 loading modules are fully integrated into the vehicle routing process – linking planned trips to load layout to ensure goods are packed both space efficiently and accessibly for each stop, taking into account product-specific rules and restrictions.

Delivery Planning
Time estimation consists of two parts – driving time and time at the customer. Optrak4 uses historical road speeds to predict journey times between sites. A study showed that the improved accuracy from this alone, resulted in a 4% improvement in routing efficiency.
To improve accuracy of time at customer, Optrak can be linked to your own POD or tracking data to achieve a more accurate model of the time at each customer site – allowing different profiles for each customer if required. This same analysis can be used to identify consistently slow-loading customers to allow sales or operations staff to negotiate directly with the customer to improve performance.
Real-Time Routing
With Optrak4 , you can add new collection orders to the plan. These orders are checked against the existing routes – taking into account what has already been delivered and picked up – to see if they can be inserted without impacting the time windows/delivery capacity for already routed orders.
All trip building actions, whether optimisation or interactive trip editing are always checked against the appropriate loader for the vehicle (and you can have different loaders for different vehicle types in the same data set). Any infringement of loading rules is immediately indicated to the user.

Carrier Rates and Assignment
On a daily basis, Optrak4’s integrated carrier functionality plugs your 3rd party carrier options into the optimiser to identify which areas could be run more cost effectively by a subcontractor – calculating against total cost to the route of tasking vehicles for specific regions or jobs.
At a strategic level, “What If?” analysis can be used to review long-term decisions over where to route directly and where to negotiate more permanent 3rd party arrangements.

Find out how Optrak4 can improve your daily planning and save up to 15% of your direct transport costs.

An award winning Vehicle Routing and Scheduling system offering an end-to-end solution – saving you money, reducing your planning time and improving customer service.

Optrak5 is our flagship vehicle routing product – providing our customers with a comprehensive platform for route optimisation, vehicle scheduling and load planning throughout their distribution process.